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1. Full name and date

Hautsalo, Liisamaija (female); Date of updating CV: October, 2024


2. Date and place of birth, nationality, current residence

Born in 1964, in Finland; Nationality: Finnish; Current residence: Helsinki, Finland


3. Education and degrees awarded

29.3.2016   Title of Docent, University of Helsinki, Finland (musicology)

1.4.2008     PhD, University of Helsinki, Finland (musicology)

25.4.2006    PhL, University of Helsinki, Finland (musicology)

1.6.2000     Master of Arts, University of Helsinki, Finland (musicology)


4. Other education and training, qualifications and skills

28.8.2014 – 1.6.2017 Teacher’s Pedagogical Studies. The Center for Educational Research and Academic Development in the Arts (CERADA) (60 ECTS), University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland.

1984 – 1987 Piano studies in the Helsinki Conservatory of Music and Kuopio Conservatory.

1970 – 1984 Piano and cello studies at the Viitasaari Music School and privately.


5. Language skills

Mother tongue: Finnish; English: Fluent; Swedish: Moderate; German: Basics; French: Basics


6. Current position


Associate professor (Senior Research Fellow). MuTri, Faculty of Music Education, Jazz and Folk Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland.

7. Previous positions and reserch projects 

1.9.2017–31.8. 2023. Academy of Finland Research Fellow (akatemiatutkija), funded by the Academy of Finland. The name of the project: Politics of Equality in Finnish Opera. The site of research: Faculty of Music Education, Jazz and Folk Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland.

1.9.2016 – Responsible teacher (vastuuopettaja) for two permanent courses: ‘History of Finnish opera’ (3op), and ‘Western cultural history and literature’ (5op). International Opera Program and Department of Vocal Music, Faculty of Classical Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. Part-time.

1.9.2015 – Responsible teacher for supporting theoretical courses and writing skills (in English and in Finnish). International Opera Program, Faculty of Classical Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. Part-time.

1.9.2014 – Responsible teacher for Research-Reach-Out studies for Music education doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in collaboration with Dr. Alexis Kallio (in English and in Finnish). MuTri, Faculty of Music Education, Jazz and Folk Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. Part-time.

1.9. 2014 – Supervisor of doctoral students. MuTri, Faculty of Music Education, Jazz and Folk Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. Part-time.


8. Previous work experience 

A Teaching

2023 – Resarcher and Media for doctoral students (Intensive)

1.9.2017 – 2022. Research Skills and Communication: lectures and workshops on writing applications and research plans. 

1.9.2015 – 2022. ResearchReachOut: workshops and lectures for doctoral students in Music Education. 

1.1.2014 –2016 Part-time teacher on history of western art music. Musicology, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, Finland. 

1.9.2012 – 2020 Part-time teacher on cultural history and literature. Faculty of Classical Music, Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. (Every second year).

1.9.2009 –  Part-time teacher on history of Finnish opera. Faculty of Classical music, Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. Every second year. 

2009, 2011 Part-time teacher on Western history of opera. University of Theatre and Dance, Helsinki, Finland. 

2006 – 2011 Part-time teacher in the University of the Third Age at the University of Helsinki, Open University (University of Helsinki, Sibelius Academy), and The Finnish Adult Education Centre of the City of Helsinki, Espoo, Porvoo and Imatra.

2001 – 2009 Part-time teacher on opera studies, history of western opera and Kaija Saariaho’s music. Musicology, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, Finland. 


B Other experience

Liisamaija Hautsalo has been working as a freelance music writer and critic since 1988 before starting her academic career in 2003. She has continued to work as a part-time writer and journalist concentrating on opera since then. Hautsalo has written more than 600 reviews, articles, program notes and program books as well as CD- and DVD -cover texts. She has also scripted and implemented radio programs and worked as a commentator in TV and radio. During her career she has also been interviewed as an opera specialist for several magazines and newspapers.

In addition, before her academic career, Hautsalo has been working as a PR and media manager at the contemporary music festivals such as Musica Nova Helsinki and The Time of Music, Viitasaari. She has also edited a series of the composer introductions for the Finnish Music Information Centre (now Music Finland) during 1996–99.


9. Research funding as well as leadership and supervision 


A Personal funding


1.1.2017 – 31.8.2017 Senior researcher in the research group Socially Responsible Arts Institutions and Artists, ArtsEqual research initiative. The initiative is financed by the Academy of Finland's Strategic Research Council. Project leader: Professor Heidi Westerlund. 

1.10.2016 – 31.12.2016 Senior researcher (full-time) in the research group Socially Responsible Arts Institutions and Artists, ArtsEqual research initiative. The group leader: Docent Sari Karttunen. The initiative is financed by the Academy of Finland's Strategic Research Council. Project leader: Professor Heidi Westerlund.

1.10.2015 – 30.4.2016 Senior researcher (full-time) in the research group Socially Responsible Arts Institutions and Artists, ArtsEqual research initiative. The group leader: Docent Sari Karttunen. The initiative is financed by the Academy of Finland's Strategic Research Council. Project leader: Professor Heidi Westerlund.

1.9.2014 – 31.8.2015 Senior researcher (full-time), funded by the Kone Foundation. Site of research: Musicology, Faculty of Humanities, University of Turku, Finland. The name of the project: Finnish Music in the 21st Century: The Socio-Cultural Significance of Art Music in the Postmodern World. The PI concentrated on contemporary opera in Finland. Project leader: Professor Susanna Välimäki.

1.9.2011 – 31.8.2014 Postdoctoral researcher (tutkijatohtori), funded by the Academy of Finland. The name of the project: Articulations of Identity in Finnish Opera. The site of research: Faculty of Music Education, Jazz and Folk Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. 

1.1.2010 – 31.12.2011 Postdoctoral Researcher, funded by the Kone Foundation. Project title: Finnish Opera. Site of research: Faculty of Music Education, Jazz and Folk Music, Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland.

1.1.2003 – 31.12.2006 Doctoral Researcher, Doctoral Degree Program in Performing Arts in Finland. Site of research: Musicology, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, Finland (Valtakunnallisen esittävän taiteen tohtorikoulu, VEST). 


B Competitive research funding for groups as well as leadership


2015 Project leader and initiator (part-time). ‘Sublime Émilie: Insights into science and art through Kaija Saariaho’s opera Émilie’. An international research symposia and concerts. In English and French. Almi Hall Foyer, Finnish National Opera, Helsinki, Finland. 1–2 April, 2015. In collaboration with Sibelius Academy and The Finnish National Opera. Funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation (5 000 euros) and the Sibelius Academy (8 000 euros). Organizing team: AvaraOpera.

2014 Project leader and initiator (part-time). Kalevi Aho’s Frida y Diego. Multi-artistic festival on opera as Gesamtkunstwerk. Music Centre, Helsinki, Finland. 16–18 October, 2014. Sibelius Academy (Opera program) and Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. Funded by the rector of the University of the Arts Helsinki (“New Openings” funding 9 000 euros). Organizing team: AvaraOpera.

2013 – Project leader responsible for fundraising, editor together with professor Kai Lassfolk (University of Helsinki). International peer-reviewed anthology on composer Kaija Saariaho’s music. Funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation (4000 euros) and Wihuri Foundation (3000 euros). Work in progress.

1.8.2013 – 30.12.2014 Project leader and initiator (part-time). Developing opera studies in the University of the Arts Helsinki. Planning and organizing courses and symposiums in opera studies. Vocal department and Opera Program, Faculty of Classical Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. Funded by the rector of the University of the Arts Helsinki (“New Openings” funding 10 000 euros). Organizing team: AvaraOpera.

1.8.2010 – 30.10.2012 Project leader and initiator (part-time). Composer Kaija Saariaho’s birthday festival “Voices, Spaces, Senses”. Concerts and international research symposia. Vocal department, Faculty of Classical Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. October 12–14, 2012. Funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation (26 000 euros) and the Wihuri Foundation (17 000 euros).

1.1.2008 – 31.8.2011 Project leader (part-time). Finnish Opera Online. Pedagogical online material for schools on Finnish opera. Faculty of Music Education, Jazz and Folk Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. Funded by the Sibelius Academy (24 400 euros) and the Niilo Helander Foundation (2000 euros).


C Supervision

Evaluation of the dissertation and acting as an opponent

2024. Mathias Gillebo's doctoral dissertation "To Sing Reality. Singing as Ethical Demand and Public Political Discource. The Morwegian Academy of Music.  5.2.2024. The other opponent: Dr. Anthony Gritten, The Royal College of Music, London

1.9.2016 – Member of the supervision group for the opera singer MuM Lisa Fornhammar (scientific line doctorate). Supporting supervisor for MM Riitta Paakki (artistic line doctorate). Graduation day May 14, 2016.

1.9. 2014 – Supervisor of doctoral and licentiate students in Finnish language use for Aija Puurtinen, Matti Ruippo and Jukka Enbuska. MuTri, Faculty of Music Education, Jazz and Folk Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. 

2010 – Assessment of a master’s degree thesis in music education, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland.


10. Merits in teaching and pedagogical competence 

Pedagogical competence

28.8.2014 – 1.6.2017 Teacher’s Pedagogical Studies. The Center for Educational Research and Academic Development in the Arts (CERADA) (50/60 ECTS done on April, 5 2017), University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland.

Involvement in curriculum planning

1.9.2016 – Involvement in curriculum planning for concerted doctoral studies (Writing skills program for all doctoral students) at the University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. For the new curricula starting in 2018.

1.9.2016 – Involvement in curriculum planning for, and evaluation of, the bachelor and master's degrees. Department of Singing, Faculty of Classical Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. Writing of the new curricula starting in 2018.

1.9. 2015 – Involvement in curriculum planning for, and evaluation of, opera studies at the Sibelius Academy's Opera program (master's degree). Faculty of Classical Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. Also for the new curricula starting in 2018.

1.10.2011 – 30.8.2014 Involvement in planning for, and evaluation of, doctoral studies as a member of the steering group of the doctoral school of the Faculty of Music Education, Jazz and Folk Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. 


11. Other academic merits


Peer-reviews, memberships in editorial boards and associations

2024 Referee in TheTwentieth-Century Music; Musiikki

2023 Referee in Musiikki; The Finnish Yearbook of Ethnomusicology; Research Studies in Music Education

2017 Referee in Musiikki; Women & Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture

1.9.2015 – 1.12.2017 Member of the IssueX magazine’s steering group (A thematical magazine on art, art education and research). University of the Arts Helsinki.

1.3.2014 – 31.12.2016 Member of the board, Finnish Musicological Society.

2013, 2014 Visiting editor in Musiikki, peer-reviewed journal of the Finnish Musicological Society. Themes: Composer Armas Launis 2014; Finnish opera 2013.

2013 – Founding member of the AvaraOpera group for innovative collaboration projects in opera studies in the University of the Arts Helsinki.

1.8.2013 – 30.11.2013 Organizing the Publishing and Funding -seminar for postdoctoral researchers of the University of the Arts Helsinki, November 11, 2013, Helsinki, Finland.

2012 – 2016 Referee in Musiikki (Finnish Musicological Society), Ethnological Year Book (Finnish Ethnological Society), RUUKKU Journal (Studies on Artistic Research).

1.10.2011 – 30.8.2014 Member of the steering group of the doctoral school of the Faculty of Music Education, Jazz and Folk Music, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland.

1.3.2011 – 30.3.2012 Member of the board, Finnish Musicological Society.

2008 – Member of the Finnish Association of Non-fiction Writers.

1988 – 2012 Member of the Finnish Critic’s Association.


Papers and presentations (recent)

Hautsalo, Liisamaija 2022. “Local opera Practices in Finland”. Invited paper. Visiting member in a study session and group discussion "The operatic canon as cultural heritage: Transformations and fragmentations of a global repertoire". The study session was held at the 21st Quinquennial Congress of the International Musicological Society on August 26, 2022, in Athens, Greece. Leader of the project: Professor Geza zur Nieden, University of Greifswald. [Prof. zur Nieden’s project belongs to the Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research (University of Greifswald)].


Hautsalo, Liisamaija 2022. ”Narrihahmo Erik Bergmanin The Sjungande Trädet -oopperassa”. Invited speech. Erik Bergman 110 years: Anniversary Symposium. March 24, 2022, Musicology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki.


Hautsalo, Liisamaija 2021. ”Oopperatutkimus, feminismi ja tutkijan etiikka”. Accepted paper. Naismuusikot Study Days. January, 26, 2021. Sibelius-Akatemia, Helsinki.


Hautsalo, Liisamaija 2020. ”Kuka stalkkaa ja ketä? Feministinen luenta Kaija Saariahon Kaukainen rakkaus -oopperan henkilöhahmojen välisitä suhteista”. Invited speech. Susanna Välimäen juhlaseminaari. 13.11.2020. Tieteiden talo, Helsinki.


Hautsalo, Liisamaija 2019. ”Kansallisoopperasta paikallisoopperaan: nationalisaatio ja vernakularisaatio suomalaisen oopperabuumin rakentajina”. Invited speech. Folk Opera Seminar. August 3, 2019, Elimäki.


Hautsalo, Liisamaija 2019.  “Dreams in Kaija Saariaho’s Adriana Mater”. Invited speech. A gateway to secret existences”: Dream, Body and Sound in Kaija Saariaho’s music. DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2021: Europäische Traumkulturen. Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, May 24 –25, 2019.


Hautsalo, Liisamaija 2019. ‘Temporal narrativity in contemporary opera’. Accepted paper. Suomen musiikintutkijoiden symposium. Helsinki, March 27–29, 2019. 


Hautsalo, Liisamaija 2018. ‘Vernacularization of Opera? – A Finnish Case’. Invited speech. Music department, Ludwig Maximillian Universität, München, Germany, June 5, 2018.

Hautsalo, Liisamaija 2019. ‘Temporal narrativity in contemporary opera’. Accepted paper. Suomen musiikintutkijoiden symposium. Helsinki, March 27–29, 2019.

Hautsalo, Liisamaija 2018. Equality and Expanding Professionalism in Contemporary Opera. Accepted paper. Reflective Conservatoire Conference 2018: “Artists as Citizens”. Guildhall School of Music & Drama, February 20–23, 2018.


Hautsalo, Liisamaija & Osmo Pekonen 2017. Émilie, an Opera about Love, Death, and Mathematics. Accepted paper. BRIDGES WATERLOO 2017. Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Education, Culture. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, July 27–31, 2017.


Liisamaija Hautsalo & Saijaleena Rantanen 2017. Sosialismi ja ooppera 1900-luvun alun työväenliikkeessä Suomessa ja Pohjois-Amerikassa. Accepted paper. Suomen musiikintutkijoiden symposium, Jyväskylä, April 20, 2017.


Hautsalo, Liisamaija 2017. Children’s Opera in Finland. Accepted paper. Nordic Network for Research in Music Education. Gothenburg, Sweden, March 15, 2017.


Hautsalo, Liisamaija 2016. Defining Diversity through Theatre in Finnish Opera. Accepted paper. Arts Without Borders (Hollo-symposium), Helsinki, Finland, October 20, 2016.


Hautsalo, Liisamaija & Sari Karttunen 2016. Opera for the Masses? Finnish Data on First Performances since 1990. Accepted paper. 9th Midterm Conference of the RN-Sociology of the Arts, University of Porto, Portugal, September 8, 2016.


Hautsalo, Liisamaija 2016. Dance Topics as Social Commentary in Kalevi Aho’s The Insect Life. Accepted paper. Canterbury International Congress on Musical Signification 13 in Canterbury and London, Great Britain, April 5, 2016.


Public lectures and speeches in Finland

Oskar Merikannon Pohjan neiti suomalaisten oopperakäytäntöjen rakentajana. Historiafoorumi, Sibelius Academy. March 14, 2018.


Invited Speaks

Invited speaker: Armas Launis’ opera Aslak Hetta. L’association Armas Launis et Institute Finlandaise. Paris, France, 19.11.2009.

Invited speaker: The Finnish Opera Boom. OPENCO (International project for European and Chinese opera). Leeds University, Leeds, UK, 17.4.2009.

Invited speaker: Kaija Saariaho’s operatic works L’amour de loin & Adriana Mater. Talks and research seminar series. University of Liverpool, School of Music, Liverpool, UK, 22.4.2008.

Invited speaker: 1900-luvun ooppera [Opera in the 1900’s]. Opening lecture of the 1900’s opera theme week. The Finnish National Opera, Helsinki, Finland, 19.1.2004.

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